Example: Building Link.Kred

Link.Kred Footprint


The basic information about a Link.kred footrpint is stored in a socialos domain record. Calling


returns the following:

NickLang.kred domain record
{u'count': 20,
 u'domains': [{u'_cls': u'Domain',
               u'admin': None,
               u'alias': None,
               u'app': None,
               u'app_private': False,
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               u'auto_renew': None,
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               u'counts': {},
               u'created': 1602461099,
               u'data': {u'app': u'identity',
                         u'autolink': {u'twitter': 1},
                         u'avatar': u'https://api.grab.live/web/files/5f839d44e9b6cc319403a6c7/1602482243141_1602479077632_linkkred-brand-avatar-1 (1).jpeg.jpeg.jpeg',
                         u'background': u'https://api.grab.live/web/files/5f839d44e9b6cc319403a6c7/1603160206602_NickLang Video BG.mp4',
                         u'blog': u'',
                         u'calendlyUrl': u'',
                         u'coinrequest': u'',
                         u'displaykredbadge': 1,
                         u'facebook': u'https://www.facebook.com/nick.lang.37604',
                         u'fullname': u'Nick Lang',
                         u'home': u'links',
                         u'homeBlogUrl': u'',
                         u'homeRedirect': u'',
                         u'importscan': True,
                         u'importscan_time': 1602461103.081029,
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                         u'source': u'claim.ceo',
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                         u'created': 1602460996,
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                         u'kred': None,
                         u'limits': {},
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                         u'sharing': u'account',
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                         u'type': u'user',
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                         u'visibility': u'visible'},
               u'visibility': u'visible'}],
 u'found': 1,
 u'page': 1,
 u'timing': {u'query': 0, u'total': 0}}

As you can see, there’s a lot of information there, but the ‘data’ section of the domain record contains several fields relevant to the page styling:

               u'data': {u'app': u'identity',
                         u'autolink': {u'twitter': 1},
                         u'avatar': u'https://api.grab.live/web/files/5f839d44e9b6cc319403a6c7/1602482243141_1602479077632_linkkred-brand-avatar-1 (1).jpeg.jpeg.jpeg',
                         u'background': u'https://api.grab.live/web/files/5f839d44e9b6cc319403a6c7/1603160206602_NickLang Video BG.mp4',
                         u'blog': u'',
                         u'calendlyUrl': u'',
                         u'coinrequest': u'',
                         u'displaykredbadge': 1,
                         u'facebook': u'https://www.facebook.com/nick.lang.37604',
                         u'fullname': u'Nick Lang',
                         u'home': u'links',
                         u'homeBlogUrl': u'',
                         u'homeRedirect': u'',
                         u'importscan': True,
                         u'importscan_time': 1602461103.081029,
                         u'instagram': u'nicklangkred',
                         u'linkedin': u'',
                         u'name': u'nicklang.kred',
                         u'purchaseReceipt': u'CNIC-62CBF004F6530FBF82B4423EC8C6DC4057B3846954422C0B5BA6B29A548',
                         u'reportable': 1,
                         u'sld': u'nicklang',
                         u'sortedLinks': [u'5f83eef6d2bfa87a985f2927',
                         u'source': u'claim.ceo',
                         u'stripeSubscription': u'promo',
                         u'title': u'',
                         u'tld': u'kred',
                         u'twitter': u'NickLangKred',
                         u'useVideoAsBg': True,
                         u'video': u'https://player.vimeo.com/video/470448595?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&loop=1&controls=0&background=1&autopause=0&autoplay=1&muted=1',
                         u'youtubeUrl': u'',
                         u'zoomUrl': u''},

The avatar, fullname, background, useVideoAsBg and video fields are used for basic page style elements. Linked social accounts are stored in the facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter, youtubeUrl fields.

Link section


The main content of a page though, is the links section. These are stored as a socialos grab, and are accessed through the Grab API

First: find the right grab:

visibility: "hidden"
domain: "nicklang.kred"
NickLang.kred Link Grab Response
{u'base': u'https://static.socialos.net',
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There is again a lot of information here, but the key piece we need intitally is the grab id, found in the grabs section of the response: in this case 5f83dd2bd2bfa835bc95b6a4

Let's now get the actual links: these are individual posts:

id '5f83dd2bd2bfa835bc95b6a4'

NickLang.kred Link Grab Messages

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id:  '5f83dd2bd2bfa835bc95b6a4'

Again, a lot of data is returned, but in the message record the following is present:

u'messages': [{u'_cls': u'Message',
                u'counts': {u'comment': 4, u'like': 9, u'post': 1},
                u'data': {u'autoplay': False,
                          u'link': u'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4CALNw5Fs0&feature=youtu.be',
                          u'media': [{u'media_url': u'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y4CALNw5Fs0/hqdefault.jpg',
                                      u'type': u'image',
                                      u'url': u'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y4CALNw5Fs0/hqdefault.jpg'}],
                          u'mute': False,
                          u'nsfw': False,
                          u'type': u'video'},
                u'subject': u'Link.Kred Profile',
                u'text': u'Video v1',

The subject, text and contents of the data block contain all the information required to display the Link message. The 'counts' data is interesting summary data - mostly for the "likes" number.

Creating and editing links


There are a few variations here, but the basic link items are all SocialOS message records, as seen above.

id - The Grab ID
message - [optional] The message ID for editing existing posts. Not required for new posts.
text - The message text.
subject - [optional] An optional subject.
media - [optional] One or more media links, or media objects. Notably, the video for a VIDEO link, or an cover image on a NOTE or URL link
private - [optional] If true, hidden from other users
link - [optional] URL to link to - used for URL links
type - [optional] link, video, featuredposts. Field to control the client display of the link
nsfw - [optional] true/false
textcolor - [optional] Hex color
buttoncolor - [optional] Hex color
animation - [optional] selected animations from https://animate.style/

Delete a Link

message- The message ID to delete.

Threaded conversations

The SocialOS Grab API supports threaded replies to messages. This allows visitors to leave a comment on a given message, and to reply to each other.


All the API message formats are the same as seen previously, but there are some convenience methods implemented to make accessing them easier:

Get Comments / replies

Get Replies
id - The comment ID to get replies
format - ‘json’

Add a comment / reply

parent - The message ID to comment on.
text - The message text.
subject - An optional subject.
media - One or more media links, or media objects.
data - Optional attached JSON data.

Delete a comment / reply

message- The message ID to delete.

Other interactions

It's also possible to leave a 'like' for a particular message:


The total number of likes for a given message in sin the message record's counts field. There is also a "liked" field on the message record that indicates if the authenticating user has liked that particular message (to control whether to show the filled or hollow heat icons)

Like Link

parent - The message ID to like.

Unlike Link

parent - The message ID to like.

Track Link clicks

url - The URL that’s being tracked
message - The message ID to track