Enterprise Feeds


The SocialOS Feed API provides a standard point of entry for integrating business data with SocialOS and delivering it to applications and end users.

The Feed API defines two types of data:

  • FeedUsers control content ownership and access. A FeedUser might map to an end user, a business unit, a service or application, or a team within the business.

  • FeedMessages are individual pieces of content. A FeedMessage might be a message, a comment or reply, a transaction record - any piece of information that you might need to distribute.

The Feed API can be used in either of two modes:

  • Push Feeds - where the business application already has a suitable data stream, or a complete set of data needs to be relayed to the social application in real time. With a Push Feed, the business application selects the data to be streamed to the social applications, and SocialOS manages the delivery.

  • Pull Feeds - where the business application has an API that can deliver data to the social application on demand. With a Pull Feed, SocialOS manages data requests from the social application, and maintains and prioritises a list of request to be made to the business application to retrieve and distribute the requested information.


Once data is delivered to SocialOS via a Feed, all the SocialOS data management features become available:

  • A standard REST API provides uniform access to applications written in any programming language.

  • Webhook and Websocket support for real-time push and pull feeds of any data.

  • Industry-standard authentication and encryption methods control user access to applications.

  • Roles and Access Policies provide fine-grained control over which users and applications can view and change either individual records or collections of data.

  • Data Queries allow conventional database access to your information, including the ability to define custom indexes.

  • Search Queries allow full-text search on all fields, including custom fields.

  • Graph Queries allow the traversal of your information as an interconnected Business Intelligence Graph.

  • Filters can deliver selected information to individual users, networks, or grabs, on a real-time basis.

  • Triggers can take action automatically when data meets a specified condition.

  • Real-time Analytics provide information on your data and your users, instantly revealing top and trending topics, users, networks, and grabs.


  • A Push Feed can be used to deliver tailored product offers to selected users or groups. User interaction with the offer will be tracked automatically with statistics available via the SocialOS API.

  • A Pull Feed can be used to deliver business news and financial information, with SocialOS managing individual user requests and subscriptions and data distribution. Trending topics by interest and engagement can be found via the SocialOS API.

  • An application can instruct SocialOS to make internal or external API calls whenever specific conditions are met based on Feed data or user interactions with the data. For example, an FeedMessage that receives a specified number of comments or likes can automatically post a notification to an internal team's Slack stream.

  • SocialOS can be configured as a distribution hub, with Feed data being filtered, queued and re-delivered either in real-time or on demand to any number of applications. The data can be delivered into SocialOS data structures (Networks, Stacks, Queues) or to other applications via Webhook or Websocket feeds.

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API Reference